Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is DPC?

Direct primary care (DPC) is an innovative healthcare model that eliminates the administrative burden typical of most traditional practices and puts the patient first. Learn more here

+ What is Fourth Tree Health?

Fourth Tree Health is the first direct primary care clinic in Central Pennsylvania offering internal medicine and obesity medicine with specific clinical focus on complex, chronic disease management, robust preventative health care, advanced cardiometabolic testing, and medical weight loss.

+ Is this concierge medicine?

DPC is commonly referred to as concierge medicine although they are different. Concierge medicine also charges your insurance company, thus making a profit off the membership fee and billing your insurance. Fourth Tree Health is not concierge medicine. We do not charge insurance companies. We work directly with patients to provide high quality, accessible primary care with many included services and reduced lab and medication costs. Learn more here

+ How is this different from my current doctor?

He or she likely works in the traditional healthcare model, billing your insurance company and is tethered by administrative burdens, often incentivized to see as many patients as possible. You may have noticed the visit times are increasingly shorter and more transactional, leading to erosion in the quality of your care over time. Most primary care doctors take care of 2000+ patients, whereas DPC doctors have a limited number of patients so that we can maintain quality & access to care.

+ Do you accept health insurance?

We do not accept health insurance. This is an important distinction in our DPC model which centers on creating long lasting direct relationships with our patients with the goal of providing truly custom primary care focused on your needs. We will work with your insurance to help you with referrals and certain medications.

+ As a patient of Fourth Tree Health, do I still need insurance?

We encourage all of our patients to have health insurance, particularly we encourage patients to consider a high deductible plan and health savings account which pairs well with our services. We are happy to connect you with insurance representatives if you need assistance. We prefer you keep insurance for hospitalizations and specialty care that is beyond our scope or capabilities.

+ Can I use my health savings account to pay for Fourth Tree Health membership?

Not yet, however there is ongoing legislation after recent Presidential executive order which allows health savings accounts to pay for direct primary care membership and services. More to come in the future. Read more here.

+ If I have Medicare, can I still join Fourth Tree Health?

Yes, Dr. Dan is opted out of Medicare and can see Medicare patients. Like other patients, we will not be billing medicare for services provided at Fourth Tree Health. Dr. Dan can prescribe medications, therapies, and referrals through Medicare however.

+ What happens with referrals and my specialists?

We work with the best specialists in the region and will help to coordinate your care with these providers. We encourage you to keep seeing these providers. As an internal medicine clinic, we rely heavily on specialty care and coordinating complex disease management. This will require referrals and we are happy to help you with this process.

+ How would I contact my physician after clinic hours?

We have a secure messaging application that integrates with our electronic health record. After becoming a member, you will be given access to our system including online telehealth and mobile app features to connect with your doctor at anytime.

+ What if I am traveling or out of the area and need access to health care?

We commonly handle most urgent care issues or refill requests via telehealth including secure messaging/video visit. Some DPC practices also allow for patient sharing so we can coordinate visits in alternate locations if needed.

+ How do I sign up?

Click here if you are ready to become a member.

+ Why Fourth Tree Health?

Fourth Tree Health is a revolutionary healthcare experience and innovative approach to primary care, offering high quality and highly accessible, personalized care. We are not incentivized to see large volume of patients, therefore you get to spend more time with your doctor.